The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is accepting applicants for its Livermore Graduate Scholar Program. Scholarships will be awarded in the form of subcontracts to university faculty on behalf of the selected graduate students who have, or will shortly advance to, candidacy. A key feature of the program is the triad relationship between the student, the university faculty advisor, and the Laboratory technical supervisor. This team will jointly plan and execute the student’s research training program. LLNL's Livermore Scholar program will provide a salary of $42K/yr, tuition and fees up to $20K/yr, up to $5K travel/yr and up to $2K/yr for the faculty member to visit LLNL for a day of research-collaboration exchange.
Applications are due by July 19, 2019. Letters of reference are due by August 2, 2019. Please visit the program website opens a new window for more information. Final selections are expected to be announced by early September 2019. Start dates will be set for January 2020 or later depending on individual student timelines.