Visit the Federal Updates for the UCLA Community web page for more information.
The UC Office of the President (UCOP) developed an online resource hub on federal updates.
Recent announcements related to federal policy actions.
Visit the Resources for L.A Fires page
Visit the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy page
Visit the Funding Opportunity Resources page
Fund Management
Your department should have a fund manager for day-to-day management of your grant funds. Extramural Fund Management (EFM) within the Office of Research Administration handles: financial reporting, invoicing, cash management, accounts receivable management, audit support, and compliance oversight for effort reporting, cost transfers, and unallowable expenses. In addition, EFM provides expertise and assistance to UCLA faculty and staff and serves as a liaison with research sponsors with respect to financial management of sponsored awards.
Various Compliance & Safety Matters
Reporting and Managing Conflicts of Interest
Responsible Conduct of Research
Allegations of Research Misconduct
Foreign Engagement Considerations
Research involving Human Subjects
Other Safety & Compliance Resources: miscellaneous policies & guidance documents and additional safety committee information
Working with an Industry Sponsor
Contact an Industry Sponsored Research Officer at the Technology Development Group (TDG)
Visit the Office of Advanced Research Computing site
Visit the Research Concierge Program page
Office of Contract & Grant Administration (OCGA): OCGA supports and provides guidance to UCLA faculty and staff in proposal development and award management, reviews and authorizes the submission of proposals, and negotiates, accepts and executes contract and grant awards.
Visit the CTSI Researcher Resources site
UCLA Research Cores - see Listing maintained by the College [link forthcoming] and by CTSI
Units within Research & Creative Activities Organization
- Research Administration (ORA)
- Technology Development Group (TDG)
- Research Enhancement Office (REO)
- Research Policy & Compliance (RPC)