Upcoming Events
Info Session: Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) 2025 Climate + Health Excellence (CHEX) Centers
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 from 12pm-1pm PT via Zoom
Join staff from the Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy and ORCA's Research Enhancement Office at 12pm on February 25, 2025, for an online information session on the BWF CHEX Centers Limited Submission Opportunity. The session will provide researchers an opportunity to connect and discuss their work and learn about the opportunity and LSO process.
Advance registration is required to receive Zoom information.
Info Session: Pew Biomedical Research Programs
Monday, March 3, 2025 from 12pm-1pm PT via Zoom
UCLA faculty members are invited to attend an information session about The Pew Charitable Trusts Biomedical Research Programs. Pew Biomedical Programs Principal Associate Donna Dang will discuss the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program and Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research. Both of these programs are limited submission opportunities (LSO), and UCLA LSO staff will go over the internal process for each program. The session will wrap up with a Q&A with Dr. Dang and Professors Ambre Bertholet (Dept. of Physiology, 2023 Pew Biomedical Scholar) and Aparna Bhaduri (UCLA Biological Chemistry Dept., 2024 Pew-Stewart Scholar for Cancer Research).
Advance registration is required to receive Zoom information.
Getting Started: Proposal Writing and Training for Postdocs and Grad
Thursdays (May 1 through May 22, 2025) from 10am-12pm PT via Zoom
Registration Deadline: Thursday 4/24/2025
Combining lecture format and engagement activities, this series covers the fundamentals of proposal writing, with concepts backed up with concrete tips and operational strategies. Each of the four sessions covers a different topic:
- Session 1: Before you begin to write
- Session 2: The critical first page
- Session 3: The body of the proposal
- Session 4: Everything else
The content of this program is aimed at those new to the process of proposal writing and is suitable for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
The seminar series will be presented by Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D and Amanda Welch, Ph.D of the AtKission Training Group (ATG).
Advance registration will be required to receive Zoom information and program materials.
Registration link coming soon
Planning and Writing Successful Grant Proposals in the Arts + Humanities
POSTPONED - Details for rescheduled sessions coming soon
This seminar series presents fundamental concepts of proposal planning and writing for Arts + Humanities faculty backed by concrete tips and operational strategies that support planning and longer-term sustainability. The four sessions typically cover the following topics:
- Your Research Ecosystem
- The Critical First Page
- Justifying Need + Proving Feasibility
- Approach + Everything Else
The content of this program is aimed at researchers in the arts and humanities. Registration is open to UCLA faculty and staff whose role includes an independent research program.
Advance registration will be required to receive Zoom information and program materials.
Past Events
Developing an NSF CAREER Application
Tuesdays (Jan 28 and Feb 4, 2025) from 10am-12pm PT via Zoom
An NSF CAREER award application is more than an NSF Standard Grant with an education plan added in. Highly competitive awards integrate the research and education plan. Over the course of the two sessions, the presenters will discuss why and how to create a plan that results in a competitive proposal. Participants can expect to walk away with an understanding of the requirements and nuances of an NSF CAREER Award application and the ability to connect proposal elements to tell your story in a cohesive way.
This series is intended for UCLA faculty with an independent research program who intend to submit an NSF CAREER application in an upcoming cycle.
The seminar series will be presented by Dr. Peg AtKission and Dr. Amanda Welch of AtKisson Training Group (ATG).
Developing and Funding Your Research
Thursdays (10/24/2024 through 11/14/2024) from 12-2pm PT via Zoom
The first sessions of this series provide tools for faculty to see their research enterprise as an enterprise, with concrete planning and visualization tools designed to help view the grant proposal in the context of your larger research goals. The presenters show how systematic planning for publishing and for the development of preliminary data help position you for a more competitive proposal. The remaining sessions focus on the structuring of grant proposals to craft effective arguments and the appropriate scope of the proposed project, tailored for the reviewers and the funders.
The content of this program is aimed at researchers in STEM fields and the social sciences. Registration is open to UCLA faculty and staff whose role includes an independent research program.
People interested in participating in the Developing an NSF CAREER Application seminar series in Winter 2025 are strongly encouraged to register for this series.
The seminar series will be presented by Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D. and Amanda Welch, Ph.D. of the AtKission Training Group (ATG)
Information Session with German Funding Organizations
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 2pm-4pm PT, Bunche Hall Room 10383 or via Zoom
The UCLA Center for European and Russian Studies is hosting an information session about German funding organizations and opportunities. The German Research Foundation (DFG), German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH San Francisco), and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will present about funding and research opportunities for researchers across all disciplines, as well as a testimonial by a UCLA faculty funding recipient. Knowledge of German or research of German-related topics is NOT required to qualify for these opportunities.
There will be two sessions:
- 2pm: Faculty and Postdoc Session
- Presentation of faculty & postdoc funding opportunities
- Testimony by UCLA Faculty funding recipient
- 3pm: Undergraduate and Graduate Student Session
- Presentation of funding, study abroad, internship, & research opportunities
- Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE)
SPIN Funding Database Training
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 12-1pm PT via Zoom
As a resource for the UCLA campus community, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities provides an institution-wide subscription to the SPIN funding opportunity database SPIN offers:
- Over 40,000 programs from more than 10,000 unique sponsors
- Opportunities from a range of sponsor types (e.g. federal, foundation, and corporate)
- Programs with a wide variety of eligibility (e.g. student, postdoc, and faculty) across all disciplines
- Ability to set up customizable funding searches and alerts
The training sessions will be presented by Bill DeCocco, Account Manager at InfoEd Global (provider of SPIN).
Foundation Limited Submission Opportunities (LSO) at UCLA
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 , 12-1pm PT via Zoom
Join the Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Philanthropy and the Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) for an online information session on foundation limited submission opportunities (LSOs) at UCLA. The session will offer an overview of the UCLA LSO process, outline the benefits of applying, and share information on assistance available through ORCA and UCLA Development.
Attendees will also hear brief overviews of prominent and competitive foundation-sponsored LSOs, including:
- W. M. Keck Foundation – Research Grants program
- David and Lucille Packard Foundation – Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation – Moore Inventor Fellows program
- G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation – Research Grants
- Carnegie Corporation – Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program
- The Nicholas Endowment
This information session will be presented by:
- Cynthia Gonzalez-Saylor, Funding Opportunities Officer, UCLA Research Enhancement Office
- Scott W. Hassler Ph.D., Senior Director, UCLA Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy
Asking Better Questions
Friday, May 3 from 9am-1pm PT via Zoom
Asking Better Questions is a hands-on workshop to help you find new ways of looking at your research and scholarship to generate new questions. Working with two experienced facilitators with backgrounds in learning and leadership, you will come away with new skills and perspectives for approaching your work with more creativity.
This workshop is open to faculty researchers in any discipline.
The workshop will be presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson and and Shani Feyen of AtKission Training Group (ATG).
Proposal Submission & Award Set Up at UCLA: Tips and Resources
Wednesday 4/24 from 9am-9:45am PT via Zoom
This session will be presented by the UCLA Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA),
The Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) will provide an overview of:
- The proposal review process at UCLA, including what type of applications are submitted through OCGA, how to submit, what to submit, timelines etc.
- Award negotiation and acceptance, including issues that may require extra attention
- Sponsor Prior Approval Requirements
- Initiating a subaward
Questions or feedback regarding the events on this page can be sent to orcafunding@conet.ucla.edu.