In opposition to the NIH reduction in Facilities and Administration (also known as Indirect Costs) there has been a filed complaint and motion for a temporary restraining order.
This past Friday afternoon, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a new notice announcing a 15% Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate cap for all NIH grants (NOT-OD-25-068), effective immediately
The federal government issued new guidelines for indirect cost recovery (also known as “Facilities and Administration” costs, or F&A) for all grants, present and future, awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Related to the recent Executive Orders, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities Roger Wakimoto shared an excerpt of guidance that was delivered to Health and Human Services (HHS) employees and a message, with Q&A, sent to all National Science Foundation (NSF) principal investigators (PIs).
In light of recent developments, Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities Roger Wakimoto and Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael J. Beck announced that restrictions for on-campus research would be lifted on Saturday, Jan. 18. Fires and air-quality will continue to be monitored.
On January 12, 2025, the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (ORCA) Roger Wakimoto and Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael J. Beck jointly announced the ramp down of campus laboratory activities.